Meet a Member


Welcome to our Meet a Member session with Severine Robitaille.

Severine has been a member of The Declutter Hub for a year now and although she was sceptical whether the membership would work for her, she’s now a total convert. In her spare time she runs and recently smashed the Paris marathon! Come and meet her on Wednesday at 8pm UK time to find out more about her journey.

Tips to help you watch our live sessions

  • We will be live within a minute of the scheduled time so if you can't see us, refresh your browser
  • If your broadband is struggling and keeps cutting out or buffering, hit the little cog button on the player and decrease the quality
  • If you are on a small device, it can be tricky to watch both us and the chat so if you have access to a bigger device, that's easier or use two devices - one for the chat and one for the live sessions
  • Due to popular demand, the chat will be available on replay too