What's the most helpful thing about the Declutter Hub Membership?
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Let go of the things in your home you don’t love, so you can cherish the things you do.
We're Ingrid and Lesley, founders of The Declutter Hub.
We love helping our members navigate the emotional and practical challenges of clearing clutter.
We live, eat and breathe decluttering. In our eyes, the less clutter there is in people's homes, the better.
That's why we created our membership and are so proud of the achievements our members make every single day. It's life changing - seriously!
We adore our members and think they are the best there is (OK maybe we are biased).
There's a huge sense of camaraderie, encouragement and support in our membership community - none of that judgement, embarrassment and shame you might have been party to in the past.
One of the things we hear all the time is that it feels like decluttering with friends - and that's got to be a good thing, right?
And it’s fun too - yes really! We like to laugh. Not AT you obviously. We like to laugh with each other and with our members. We want decluttering to be a pleasure, because when you enjoy it, you’ll keep on doing it.
So if you’re looking for a kind, caring, encouraging, fun community of clutter-busters to join, to help you strip back the things you don’t need, so you can more fully use, love and appreciate the things you do need - then we are just the thing you're looking for.
As featured in
The inspiration that Ingrid and Lesley give us - their obvious "love" of their work, their fun together and their commitment to us. I love the Success Sessions and the "parallel" working with others.
Welcome to our Reset Your Home System
Here's a secret. It's never just about the STUFF. It's about the emotions and habits that hold you back. Identifying your emotional connection to your stuff is the life changing part of our system.
There are alot of rooms in a house. So how do you choose where to start? We have you covered. We do the thinking so you don't have to and take you one room at a time towards your clutter free home.
Chores and tasks are what keep our decluttered spaces intact. But it's hard to keep that momentum up. We'll show you an easy way to tackle your home day by day so it becomes second nature.
Liz, Germany
I signed up for a year and have not regretted one single moment.
Before I joined the Declutter Hub I was stuck in a bit of a rut, knew that I needed to give the whole house a good turn-out but didn't know where to start. The task just seemed too big. The children are leaving home and I've never really been a tidy person and there is clutter almost everywhere in the house. I wanted to feel comfortable having friends round and not continually apologising for the mess.
My sister got me on to the wardrobe challenge in November and I loved it. I really liked the slow approach and the way you think things through before you start and get everything ready. When it came to the day we were allowed to actually DO it, I was unstoppable! I have several declutter self-help manuals but none had really worked for me. I always gave up after a short time. This time it was different. My wardrobe has stayed tidy and I know where everything belongs now - even without labels!
I signed up for a year and have not regretted one single moment. The cost seemed at first to be pretty high but once I found my bearings on the website, I could see that it is really worth every penny.
The courses for specific rooms are broken up into little chunks so you can easily listen to them bit by bit. I often do this via headphones when I'm cleaning or ironing. The 2 best things are the Q & A sessions where you get professional advice for your personal problem every 2 weeks or so, so you don't have to wait long if you have a question. And the support in the forum. You can post as much or as little as you like about your journey. Everyone is very supportive and it's great to read about other people's decluttering experiences and share successes! I find other members' comments very motivating.
Ingrid and Lesley are very patient, understanding and motivating teachers. What I have learned so far - after 5 months - is that it's all down to mindset. The more you declutter doing the preparation that Ingrid and Lesley teach you, the better you get and the easier it gets. This way you get into good habits and learn how to keep things tidy in future. Preparation is key.
Let's face it, decluttering is not always fun and it's often hard work but with the support of the declutterhub behind you and others sharing your success, it's a whole lot more fun than it would be without.
Before - a dumping ground
After - a useable, inviting guest room
As a Declutter Hub member...
Change the way you declutter your home in our Membership
Join - NOW! It’s a game-changer. Read all the books (Marie Kondo & the rest), but no positive results worth reporting. The Declutterhub is extraordinary value.
Watch our Behind the Scenes video where you can see how all the parts of our membership fit together
Sue, UK
Ditch the decluttering books and join this programme!
I'd had a 'clutter' problem for years. Bought all the books …. Marie Kondo, here we come. Though they helped at the margins, and gave me a bit of motivation when the book was new, the motivation soon deserted me again. I was stuck.
And then, I came across Lesley & Ingrid, and The Declutter Hub! How and where did I find them? No idea now. But I do remember it was nearly two years ago, and I'm so pleased I did. I also remember it was some weeks before I plucked up the courage to become a member. Because it is scary, to expose yourself to someone else. Books are nice and anonymous. They didn't work for me, though.
I've found a number of things useful about The Declutter Hub. Lesley & Ingrid are so understanding, and so practical. (Funny, too.) They appreciate the underlying reasons for clutter problems, so their approach is anything but superficial. I particularly like their strategy for tackling the 'easier' areas first, developing a 'decluttering muscle', and then moving onto the 'harder' areas, finishing with 'sentimental items'. This really does work! It's so easy to be completely overwhelmed by clutter, and paralysed into inaction. Lesley & Ingrid give you a process to follow. They also give lots of encouragement. Decluttering can be quite a solitary process (for me, only shared with my closest friends), so it's good to get praise for a job well done.
The membership gives so much more. It's quite a community. International, too. We help each other with both ideas and encouragement. It's so good to be sharing 'wins' with our fellows - who understand the difficulties only too well. A shared, safe, space.
I particularly enjoy the fortnightly 'live' Q&A's. These give the opportunity to pose your own questions - and get them answered.
Also, there's always something going on. This keeps motivation alive … no chance to get bored! The challenges!!! We've just finished an 'A-Z Challenge', decluttering one item per day, with a different letter of the alphabet. And sharing the results online. Such fun. And at the end, at least 26 items decluttered. Wardrobe challenge coming up.
The challenges aren't too daunting, which means you're actually likely to do them. So easy to be overwhelmed by the size of the whole problem, the challenges break the task down.
In summary, I can't recommend Declutter Hub Membership highly enough. It's good value - because it works. No point whatsoever in spending money on books that don't work.
Is it different from what I expected? I would say 'Yes'. But I wasn't sure what to expect.
Thank you Lesley & Ingrid for devising this process & community!
Let go of those BUTs!
How often have you said that to yourself? Well, the good news is we have a tried and tested system and it WORKS. You don't need to flit around aimlessly from one room to the next and get nowhere because we have your decluttering route all mapped out. Our Reset Your Home Roadmap is going to take you all through your house in a way that will allow you to build up your decluttering muscle. You will Reset Your Home Thought by Thought, Room by Room and Day by Day.
It's not uncommon to feel as if you are the only person that truly suffers from being overwhelmed with clutter. But we're here to let you know there are a whole host of people out there who feel exactly the same as you. And it's important to go through a journey with people who get it, who won't judge you and will truly understand you.
Unless anything changes dramatically, it's the house you own! So let's learn to fall back in love with it. If your heart sinks when you walk through the door, it's time for you to control your house rather than it control you. Let's turn your house into a home that you want to be in and can feel proud of. Small but perfectly formed!
You've read the books, watched the TV programmes and started in earnest every time, but somehow you never get to your end goal. You are now so demotivated it's making you stressed out and it's affecting your relationships. The good news is we understand, we get it and we are here for people just like you.
The truth is it doesn't matter where you're starting from. It's the end goal that's important. The Declutter Hub is a completely judgement free zone. What we care about is your journey, how you tackle your clutter in a way that suits you, watching your mindset change and your whole relationship with stuff take on a new meaning.
We know that embarking on your decluttering journey might seem like a big leap so let us put your mind at rest on a Discovery Call with us. A free 15 minute no obligation chat with one of us where we explain how we can help and show you behind the scenes.
So, what are you waiting for?
The Reset Your Home System is at the heart of everything we teach and our step-by-step Roadmap gives you a goal, a structure and the results you want.
By focusing on the emotions and not the stuff, the lightbulb moments will happen and the clutter will start to disappear before you know it.
There's something both empowering and comfortable about belonging to a community of people going through the same journey as you.
We show you a tried and tested, realistic and practical decluttering process that works.
What you spend on membership you will save over and over by making better decisions shopping.
It's time to start to focus on your wellbeing and health rather than your stuff.
Focus on the destination and learn at every point from the experts and your fellow members.
We explain the barriers that are holding you back and teach you strategies to break through them.
Learn a system that works. Reset Your Home Thought by Thought, Room by Room, Day by Day
Alison, USA
I want a well-loved reflection of my life, neat and tidy, comfortable and uncluttered.
These past few weeks have been a struggle...so much going on...but despite all, I am trying to bite the bullet, knowing that when all the dust settles, there wil be light at the end of the tunnel. So, I did a thing yesterday! I became a Declutter Hub Member! And, I have to tell you, even though I'm not very commuter literate at all, their member site is fabulous.
Easy to navigate, access to TONS of stuff, and a roadmap for us visual folk, who like to have a visual guide of what to do and where to go.
I'm so excited to get started so I'm diving in, beginning with watching and learning and trying to retrain my brain, (because that's where it all begins really).
As military brat, moving 13 times while growing up, packing and unpacking was a part of my life. Combine that with living with my gramma, as well (while my dad was in Vietnam) who raised her kids during the Great Depression. DON"T THROW ANYTHING AWAY! So, there it is, boxes and repurposing, stacking and stashing, shuffling and stuffing.
I'm excited to see how this year will be different, and my soon to be empty nest won't seem so lovely, but instead a well-loved reflection of my life, neat and tidy, comfortable and uncluttered. Have a look at the website and think about joining. Treat yourself. You deserve it!
Before - a struggle to focus on work
After - a haven of productivity
Our Reset Roadmap - We will guide you through your decluttering journey with our tried and tested RESET your home system. Our Roadmap can be tackled at your pace and includes showrounds of Ingrid and Lesley's homes, step by step courses and checklists. Not only do we tackle decluttering room by room but we tackle the emotions holding you back thought by thought and what you need to do day by day to maintain order and routine.
Success Sessions - Sometimes, we spend too much time planning and thinking about things and never quite get round to doing the doing. That's where our Success Sessions come in. Hour long sessions where you commit to doing nothing but decluttering.
Quick Wins and Challenges of the Week - Sometimes, life gets in the way and you don't quite have time for a big decluttering project. If you want to keep the momentum going, our Quick Wins and Challenge of the Week are just enough for you to feel like you're making progress.
Live Q&A Sessions with Ingrid and Lesley - This is where we will get down to the nitty gritty and make it happen! We want to share our expertise and keep you on track and motivated so you get the job finished. Every two weeks we go live to answer your questions and it's always a lot of fun. Don't worry if you can't be available at a specific time, you can replay these at any time and as many times as you like.
Our Private Forum - This is a chance for you to share your wins, ask for help from the community and keep yourself accountable. The forum is the place for you to feel as if you belong to a like-minded group of people going through the same journey. And it's not on Facebook so there's no chance of anyone seeing anything you don't want them too!
Hub Huddles - When you start to feel a sense of community, sometimes you want to go to the next level and meet your fellow members. This is what our Hub Huddles do so well. With small breakout rooms, you can meet and chat to others going through the same journey as you. We also have award ceremonies and other fun stuff!
My home has a lot less clutter, and I feel confident I will be successful on my mission to declutter whole house, with ongoing support. I'm more optimistic and less stressed, especially seeing our progress. I don't give up so easily on projects to declutter.
We want you to feel completely at home and supported on your quest for a clutter free, organised home so it's really important we are the right people to help you so we can get your journey off to the best start!
We know that embarking on your decluttering journey might seem like a big leap so let us put your mind at rest on a Discovery Call with us. A free 15 minute no obligation chat with one of us where we explain how we can help and show you behind the scenes.
Angie Yorke, Washington, USA
I pass every room with a smile on my face and contentment in my brain
Before I found The Declutter Hub stored, unused things were frustrating our spaces due to constant shuffling, whether in the kitchen, bathroom, closets or shed. It was stressful mental and physical pressure to do something about it so I tried to ignore it.
A podcast about sentimental items resonated with me so I checked out The Declutter Hub and discovered it was hands on comprehensive guidance with group support. I was hooked and am loving our home again!
In The Declutter hub I have learnt that I am not alone. Connecting via the Membership Forum allows us to share stories and have breakthroughs that lead to great habits. It feels good to not be alone. I’ve accomplished so much and hope I am helping others.
I was expecting far less than I imagined when I joined from The Declutter Hub. The education, guidance, support, learning and camaraderie is powerful. It’s an online educational course that teaches needed life skills...
Now, I am enjoying just passing every room in the home with a smile on my face and contentment in my brain knowing that they are settled, comfortable and easy to be in mentally and physically.
Long term I want to use the tools I learned in the membership to sustain what I have accomplished which is an uncluttered, restful, comfortable, visually appealing, easy to clean, easy to find things home that reflects us and how we live in the present.
Thanks again for the tremendous opportunity for renewal you make available to us via The Declutter Hub. I can't say it enough that being a member is one of the best investments I have ever made in myself and our home.
You get direct access to Ingrid and Lesley - two of the UK's leading decluttering experts. With 20 years experience and 1000s of projects under our belts, we LOVE what we do and want to share it!
Realism is our thing. We will cut to the chase and be honest with what works and what doesn't. We are known for being straight talking and intuitive!
It will be FUN! Decluttering makes you laugh, cry and everything in between but our goal is for everyone to have a positive experience in a supportive environment.
You'll be amongst friends - we all need a boost when things get tough and our community will be there to support you every step of the way.
NB. Pricing is offered in two currencies for your convenience - US Dollars and Pound Sterling. You can use this currency converter to check exchange rates.
Beat the Price Hike ends 17th January midnight.
30 Day
Satisfaction Guarantee
When you join us, we hope you are going to love The Declutter Hub Membership but if you don't feel you are getting value from us within the next 30 days, let us know and we will send you a refund straightaway. You are fully covered by our 30 day money back guarantee.
But we are pretty certain you won't once you get the decluttering bug!
Ingrid and Lesley
Deborah, USA
The Roadmap gave me structure in contrast to the haphazard approach before
I had already started decluttering my house before I joined the Declutter Hub, so I wasn't sure how much value I would get from the membership. As it turns out, the membership has exceeded all my expectations. The Roadmap gave me a structure in which to approach decluttering, in contrast to the haphazard approach I had used before.
As I listened to each topic, I decluttered and organized the corresponding items in my house. There were items that I hadn't even thought of, such as light bulbs and carrier bags. The website is well-organized, so if you are looking for a particular topic (electronics cords? makeup?) it's easy to find that course. There also are courses to streamline recurring tasks such as grocery shopping and cleaning.
And I adore the live Q&A's, where Lesley and Ingrid answer questions that members have sent in. I feel like I am hanging out with two friends (who just happen to be experts on decluttering)! I sent in a question when I was struggling with giving away a set of heirloom dishes that I never use and didn't anticipate my children wanting. Lesley came up with the insight that I was probably looking for "permission" to give them away and that if I wanted to do so, that was okay. I had never thought of it that way, but she was absolutely right.
Lesley and Ingrid are continually updating and improving the materials. I have been part of the membership for 1.5 years now, and there continues to be new content of value.
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